Reminder: Propane Training is Online – Each student will be provided with an iPad during class. Students are welcome to bring their own laptop or tablet.
Important! Students MUST come to the first day of training prepared to log in and access their own account in the Learning Center. Each student is required to register individually and create their own account. The management and access of a student’s PERC account is the responsibility of the student and/or manager.
New Learning Center registrations require a three-day wait before access is granted. Please sign-up at least 7 working days prior to class and confirm you can successfully sign into the Learning Center before the start of class.
Click HERE to view class fees or print registration form
For easy online registration – click on the class name below:
Ray Murray, Bensalem Classes:
classes start at 8:30am
May 19-21
Distribution Systems 4.1 (CETP)
May 22
Cylinder Requalification
Tarantin Industries, Elizabethtown Classes:
classes start at 8:30am
May 12 & 13
Basic Propane PEP
May 14-16
Bobtail Delivery PEP
August 11 & 12
Basic Propane PEP
August 13-15
Bobtail Delivery PEP
August 18
Cylinder Requalification
August 19-21
Distribution Systems 4.2 (CETP)
August 22
Gas Check
August 25-27
Cylinder Delivery PEP
August 28
Safe Driving
September 22 & 23
Basic Propane PEP
September 24-26
Bobtail Delivery PEP
If your company is interested in providing in-house training, you are welcome to contact our professional trainers. They can work with your schedule to provide expert instruction to meet the training requirements in Pennsylvania.
Dan Waters
Premier Safety Services
Forest Herron
Herron’s Training & Consulting
Rick Feiler
RDF Training
Another option is to utilize the Propane Education and Research Council’s (PERC) Learning Center. The Learning Center is a Learning Management System (LMS) PERC uses to deploy and record interactions with educational content to the propane industry. There is no cost for online training through the Learning Center.
The Learning Center offers a wealth of educational content. The content available on the Learning Center is smaller, module-based, interactive training allowing students to only complete the training modules necessary to safely perform their specific job. The focus on smaller modules on instruction has the dual benefit of increasing knowledge retention and higher course completion rates. Learning paths can be customized to fit an employee’s or company’s needs.
Each employee/student is required to register on the Learning Center individually and create their own account. Training records will be maintained in the Learning Center Transcripts and will list all completed training.
For online support – Please call Monday-Friday 8am to 5pm at 1-800-757-1554.
Learning Path Training Frequently Asked Questions
Become a PERC CEU Qualified Instructor Fact Sheet