As a Pennsylvania Propane Gas Association (PAPGA) member, you will be on the forefront of the latest news, events, training, and legislation that have a direct impact our industry, both locally and nationally.
You will gain access to a variety of resources, information, classes and training to promote awareness and safety of propane for your team and customers.
Contact us today to join your fellow industry leaders as we work together to promote the value and benefits of propane through education and advocacy.
Click Here to View the Benefits of Membership
Becoming a PAPGA member is easy! Click the appropriate link below to review or print a membership application:
2025 Marketer Membership Application
2025 Associate-Individual Membership Application
Affinity Benefit Programs
Debt Collection:
Through A.R.M. Solutions, PAPGA assists you in collecting bad debts. No matter what size the account, A.R.M. Solutions collection programs are designed to produce results; ethically, professional, and effectively.
Credit Card Processing:
Integrity Merchant Solutions (IMS), a provider of credit card processing, passes along the lower processing rates that are provided to our industry by Visa and MasterCard.
Compliance Risk Management Safety:
PAPGA has partnered with P3 to offer members a web-based application to organize, integrate, store and manage important safety information required by insurance companies.
Membership Directory
We publish a Membership Directory available only to our members, The directory is available in a hard copy or in digital format that can be found in the Members-Only area of our website.
Governmental Affairs
The Governmental Affairs Committee is comprised of members with interest or expertise in Legislative or Regulatory Affairs to oversee the Association’s Governmental Relations and Regulatory efforts and also serve as advocates for Laws and Regulations favorable to the propane industry.
The Committee, along with our lobbyist, continually monitors Legislation and Regulations affecting the propane industry on the State and Federal levels and determine the proper position and action to be taken, if needed. Pennsylvania Propane Gas Association strives to work towards sound and cost effective Legislative and Regulatory changes.
PA811/PA One Call Systems, Inc.
We pick up the annual service fee for PA One Call Systems, Inc. State law requires notification to PA One Call (Dial 811 or 800-242-1776) three (3) days prior to disturbing the earth with any type of powered equipment or ten (10) days working notice when in the design phase. After you call, you will receive an invoice – simply forward (mail, fax or email) to PAPGA’s office. Your membership will be verified and invoice will be sent to PA One Call marked paid. That’s $125 saved by being a PAPGA member!
Members-Only Website
While there is public access to our website, there is a restricted area only members can access. This area includes valuable Legislative and Regulatory information that affects your business.
Members may include PAPGA’s logo on their website, advertisements and other marketing materials. Customers feel confident about your company’s professional character when you proudly display the logo.
Membership Meetings
Membership meetings affords the opportunity to connect with industry professionals through networking opportunities along with timely and informative presentations such as our Annual Meeting and the Spring and Fall Membership Meetings.
Professional Development
PAPGA offers the highest degree of employee training available in the propane industry. The Education/Training Committee schedules Certified Employee Training Program (CETP) classes throughout Pennsylvania from May through September.
Safety and Marketing Material
The Propane Education and Research Council (PERC) offers high quality products carefully developed along side industry professionals. Safety & Training program resources are designed to help ensure the safe and efficient use of propane along with marketing materials to help you grow gallons. You’ll find market intelligence, talking points, success stories, advertisements and more.
Sponsorship Opportunities
Becoming a sponsor exemplifies your commitment and illustrates your support of the propane industry.
Website Link
Free from our website to yours.