Hours of Service Waiver until February 16, 2021

Pursuant to the Proclamation of Disaster Emergency issued by the Governor on February 1, 2021, 75 Pa. C.S. §6108, and the authority granted in 49 C.F.R. §390.23 and 67 Pa. Code Chapter 231, the waivers in this exemption apply to motor carriers engaged in operations necessary to respond to the sever winter storm event disaster emergency declared by the Governor. The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation hereby issues the following exemption:

TYPE OF OPERATION: Transportation of essential food, dairy products, and pharmaceuticals to food distribution, retail and wholesale food establishments, and transportation and distribution of agricultural feed, and transportation of motor fuels, heating fuels, and propane.

EXTENT OF EXEMPTION: Requirement to comply with driver hour of service limitations. 

Drivers operating under the terms of the Hours of Service waiver should keep a copy of Exemption 2021-01 (below) in the vehicle.

EFFECTIVE DATE: February 2, 2021

TERMINATION DATE: February 16, 2021

Click HERE to View/Print Exemption 2021.01

NPGA State Director Update – Fall 2020

The NPGA Board of Directors meets three times a year and brings together more than 200 leaders from every industry sector. During these meetings, the Board sets association policies and advocacy objectives, identifies ways to grow the industry, and participates in numerous networking events. The NPGA Fall Committee and Section Meetings took place via Zoom, and the Board of Directors meeting took place via webinar. With more than 330 participants and 48 meetings over three days, this virtual event was a success.

Click HERE to read the entire NPGA State Director Report

2020 – 2021 PAPGA Board of Directors Announced

The Pennsylvania Propane Gas Association (PAPGA) is pleased to announce our members have elected Beth Donovan as the new President. Beth who is the Director of Propane Operations at Shipley Energy will serve for two-years. She has served PAPGA in numerous capacities since 2004, most recently as chair of the Political Action Committee and President of the Pennsylvania Propane Foundation.

Beth succeeds Harold Sweet, Field Service Manager for Superior Plus Propane, who served as President since 2018 and will continue to serve on the executive committee as Immediate Past President.

Newly Elected Executive Committee (term expires 2022):

  • President Elect            Hugh Rich, III, Richgas, Inc.
  • Vice President             Chris Wolfe, Ray Murray, Inc.
  • Treasurer                     Mark Delehanty, Independence Propane
  • Secretary                      Mike George, E.F. Laudenslager, Inc.
  • NPGA State Director   Kara Tucker, Koppy’s Propane

            Newly Elected District Directors (term expires 2022):
District 1 – Dave Pennypacker, Superior Plus Propane
District 2 – Norm Cupples, ProGas, Inc.
District 3 – John Maruska, Algas
District 4 – Dan Messett, Home Depot Pro
District 5 – Rick Feiler, RDF Training
District 6 – Rory Greenley, Ace-Robbins, Inc.
District 7 – Dan Balmer, Penn Valley Gas
District 8 – Randy Styer, Styer Propane

            Newly Elected Director-at-Large (term expires 2021):
Dale Aldrich, Bergquist, Inc.
DeAnn Driscoll, DiTech Testing
John Murray, Ray Murray, Inc.
Pat Shay, Tarantin Industries
Michelle Wilson, P3/Boston Environmental

            Current District Directors (term expires 2021):
District 1 – Ken Horner, AmeriGas Propane
District 2 – Mike Salansky, Stuck Enterprises
District 3 – Zac Cromie, Smith Propane & Oil
District 4 – Randy Witmer, Koppy’s Propane
District 5 – Tim Jackson, Energy Links, LLC/Premium Power Services
District 6 – Greg Smith, Bluhm’s Gas Sales
District 7 – Jay Gorzkowski, Modern Gas Sales
District 8 – John Cepiel, Clyde S. Walton

“I am deeply honored and excited to take on the role of President. Harold served as President with the utmost integrity and I intend to pick up where he left off alongside a group of professionals who have a wealth of knowledge and experience in the propane industry,” said Beth Donovan. ‘Together with our Board of Directors, members and executive director, we are committed to advancing the association’s purpose and the propane industry in Pennsylvania.’

Click HERE to View Press Release

NPGA State Director Update – Summer 2020

The NPGA Board of Directors typically meets three times a year and brings together more than 200 leaders from every industry sector. During these meetings, the Board sets association policies and advocacy objectives, identifies ways to grow the industry, and participates in numerous networking events. Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the Mid-Year Board of Directors meeting took place June 15, 2020 via webinar.

Click HERE to read the full NPGA State Director Report

Guidance for Operating in Areas of Protest and Social Unrest

Click HERE to View and Print pdf

The American Trucking Associations, ATA Safety Management Council (SMC) and the ATA Transportation Security Council (TSC) provides the following recommendations for professional drivers and motor carriers operating in areas of protest and social unrest.

The ongoing protests across our nation has put the trucking industry and professional drivers on the frontline once again. Remaining safe and secure is the number one priority and taking proper precautions when operating in these areas can protect drivers. (This also applies to service technicians and other propane employees.)

While it is impossible to plan for each situation, there are key safety and security measures professional drivers can take when operating in areas with potential unrest. Below is a list of recommended practices to help professional drivers remain safe and secure:

  • Immediately report any emergency situation to local law enforcement by calling 911.
  • Avoid areas of unrest. Exercise caution when in the vicinity of any large gatherings, protests, or demonstrations.
  • Plan for road closures. If your route brings you through an area that has seen protests, check the local news, with your dispatcher, or the safety department to make sure interstates and roads along the route are open and the area you are delivering to is safe.
  • Contact the delivery location for current and timely situations and conditions. Traffic conditions are constantly changing.
  • Remain in regular communication with your dispatcher to provide travel updates.
  • Plan ahead, try to make deliveries in areas of unrest during the day, at night park in well-lit, safe areas.
  • Assess every situation prior to exiting the cab of your truck. If danger or exposure to large gatherings in the form of protest exist, abort delivery operations.
  • Conduct thorough pre-trip inspections before departing domiciled locations; eliminate maintenance breakdowns from the equation.
  • Always keep doors locked and windows closed. Remove keys from unattended vehicles and ensure trailer locking and latching mechanisms are functioning properly.
  • If you encounter a gathering, stop your vehicle and do not drive through. Avoid any interaction and do not provoke the group.
  • If available, utilize your in-cab camera in an unsafe situation to document your surroundings.
  • Maintain continuous contact with your dispatcher and safety department for specific operating procedures and follow company policy.