Hours of Service Waiver until February 6, 2022

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has issued an Emergency Declaration for motor carriers with operations impacted by a reduction in commercial vehicle drivers because of COVID-19 infections. The Emergency Declaration waives the hours-of-service requirements for commercial vehicle operations delivering propane and other heating fuels in response to winter storms and high demand from consumers.  

This waiver covers both interstate and intrastate travel within the state. This has been confirmed by FMCSA, PennDOT, and PA State Police. There is no additional action required by the state at this time. PA State Police, PA Public Utility Commission, and PA Local Police Motor Carrier Inspectors have received a copy of the waiver with the explanation that it also applies to intrastate travel within Pennsylvania.

The FMCSA Emergency Declaration applies to: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, D.C., Georgia, Idaho, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.

The waiver is in effect through February 6, 2022. Please make sure to keep a copy of the waiver in your vehicles

Please see Emergency Declaration for complete details.

Please note: FMCSA’s DC office checked with FMCSA offices in each state to inquire if they were experiencing driver issues due to COVID and winter demand. FMCSA is open to updating the waiver in the coming weeks to potentially include other states.

Separately, FMCSA extended the nationwide emergency declaration to support operations that continue to provide direct assistance to COVID-19 relief efforts. FMCSA defines direct assistance as “transportation and other relief services provided by a motor carrier or its driver(s) incident to the immediate restoration of essential services (such as medical care) or essential supplies related to COVID-19 during the emergency.” FMCSA cautions that the waiver is not applicable to routine commercial deliveries. Download the Extension to the COVID-19 Relief Emergency Declaration

Guidance on emergency declarations and waivers by the National Association of State Energy Officials is available HERE

What Critics Get Wrong About Energy Choice 1.7.22

What Critics Get Wrong About Energy Choice – Senator Yaw
by: Senator Gene Law, 23rd Senatorial District (PA)

HARRISBURG – Last month, seven environmental groups wrote a misguided letter to Philadelphia officials bashing legislation that I sponsored as counterintuitive to the city’s decarbonization goals.

In October, six Democrats, including two from the southeast corner of the state, joined all 28 Republicans and our chamber’s lone Independent to approve Senate Bill 275. That’s a veto proof majority, for those counting.

Why? Because the bill’s purpose is simple: it prevents Pennsylvania’s 2,500-plus municipalities from banning access to certain utilities, like natural gas or heating oil. This will preserve consumer access to affordable electricity, no matter where they live, and prevent a chaotic patchwork of regulations that ultimately undermine statewide environmental and energy policies.

It also reaffirms what many local and statewide officials, including the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, already understand to be true: municipalities do not have the authority to restrict energy sources.

What the bill does not do is prevent Philadelphia City Council from pursuing its goal to retrofit all publicly owned buildings to reduce emissions 50% over the next decade. It’s not just about ripping out gas lines and oil tanks and installing heat pumps instead. Reducing electricity usage – through upgraded windows, roofs and insulation – is also a crucial piece of the puzzle.

The aforementioned environmental groups said that SB 275 will eliminate any hope of Philadelphia reaching carbon neutrality by 2050. Which begs the question, if the only way to achieve decarbonization is by indiscriminatingly banning utilities deemed “dirty” and “bad,” is that even a good plan? Isn’t there an old adage forewarning the danger of putting all your eggs in one basket?

Banning specific fuel sources in pursuit of “clean energy” makes zero sense in Philadelphia and beyond. First, clean energy is a misnomer. There’s simply no such thing. Even if we shuttered every coal and gas plant across the world tomorrow and began a frantic campaign to install wind and solar farms in their place, we’d need to cover about 1.8 million square kilometers of land and coastline to replace the lost capacity.

And we would need fossil fuels to produce all of those solar panels and wind turbines. Just like we need oil and gas to create and distribute nearly every product we use every single day, from the medications we take to the clothes we wear to the packaging we use to preserve our food. To assume that banning fossil fuels will only impact emissions and electricity prices is to ignore the intricate web that is our economy.

Besides, the city doesn’t exist in a vacuum. It’s connected to a vast, 13-state power grid called PJM, that manages the safe and reliable flow of electricity for 65 million people from Chicago to Washington D.C. and many places in between.

PJM’s operators ensure that its network of transmission lines and generation facilities work in tandem every minute of the day, preventing system overloads that could trigger massive utility failures and inflict untold suffering on millions in its territory. So, if electricity demand spikes in Philadelphia, but environmental policies have forced fossil fuel plants into nonexistence, there are fewer reliable energy sources to shoulder the burden.

A similar story unfolded in Texas in February when an unprecedented winter storm froze generators and rendered solar and wind farms useless, leaving as many as 4 million Texans without power or water. More than 200 people died amid the chaos. The Electric Reliability Council of Texas, the state’s grid operator, promised to winterize its system to harden it against future storms, but the damage was done. The rest of the nation should take note: a diversified and robust grid is key to preventing systemwide catastrophes.

Which brings me back to the idea of banning access to fossil fuels. If we are willing to sacrifice our food, clothing, shelter and transportation, doing so might eliminate some carbon emissions in the United States. Globally, U.S. emissions equal about half of what China produces on an annual basis, according to 2018 figures. The annual combined emissions from the other three top polluting nations – India, Russia and Japan – would likewise take our place.

Then there’s the emissions from sources we can’t always control: volcanic eruptions, livestock, forest fires. Or the damage caused by human activity like deforestation and degenerative agriculture. Even if the United States found a solution to every single unsustainable practice that critics say contributes to climate change, the rest of the world’s leading nations aren’t following suit.

So what do these groups really want from the city? They want officials to take a sledgehammer to our carefully planned and managed power grid, collapse our economy and leave Pennsylvanians with higher electric bills, fewer jobs and unreliable utilities. All for the sake of reducing carbon emissions that will be offset by the rest of world, in perpetuity.

Protecting energy choices for consumers means that residents can pursue “cleaner” electricity sources if they want to or can afford to, while not punishing those who don’t have the option. SB 275 isn’t about protecting special interests – what does a senator from Williamsport owe to Philadelphia’s gas utility?

What I do care about is promoting sound energy policy that doesn’t leave others behind for the constant pursuit of ideological purity, no matter how impractical or impossible or harmful it is for the very people such policies purport to help.


Senator Gene Yaw was elected to represent the 23rd Senatorial District consisting of Bradford, Lycoming, Sullivan, Union Counties and a portion of Susquehanna County. He serves as Chairman of the Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee.




NPGA State Director Update – Fall 2021

As your elected State Director, I want to provide you with important updates and a summary of activities that took place at the most recent National Propane Gas Association (NPGA) Board of Directors meeting held in Atlanta, October 20-22, 2021. 

NPGA’s committees and task forces held meetings and discussed issues of importance to all propane industry members. I encourage you to take the time to read my report.

Click Here to Read My Report

Thank you for the opportunity to represent you.

Kara Tucker
Koppy’s Propane

Know the facts: Pennsylvania Electricity Profile

Unlike propane, electricity is a secondary energy source and significant energy is lost between the power plant and an electrical outlet. The efficiency and environmental impacts of electricity varies greatly between states and regions.

The National Propane Gas Association (NPGA) has state-specific electricity profiles available under the Fight Electrification section on the NPGA Member Dashboard.

Pennsylvania’s data shows the bulk of our electric power mix (or ‘the grid’) is generated from natural gas (42.6%), nuclear (36.8%), and coal (16.7%).  The data is based on EIA’s finalized bulk power generation numbers for 2019.

For more information, please contact NPGA’s Jacob Peterson.

FMSCA Issues Regional Hours of Service Waiver until March 4, 2021

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has issued a Regional Emergency Declaration in response to the arctic blast and severe ice storm impacting much of the United States. The Emergency Declaration waives hours of service requirements for the transportation of propane, among other commodities, to those customers in Pennsylvania impacted by the severe weather. The declaration is in effect in 33 states and the District of Columbia until March 4, 2021.

States Under FMCSA Emergency Declaration:

  • Arkansas
  • Connecticut
  • Delaware
  • District of Columbia
  • Illinois
  • Indiana
  • Iowa
  • Kansas
  • Kentucky
  • Louisiana
  • Maryland
  • Massachusetts
  • Minnesota
  • Mississippi
  • Missouri
  • Montana
  • Nebraska
  • New Jersey
  • New Mexico
  • New York
  • North Carolina
  • North Dakota
  • Ohio
  • Oklahoma
  • Oregon
  • Pennsylvania
  • Rhode Island
  • South Dakota
  • Tennessee
  • Texas
  • Virginia 
  • West Virginia
  • Wisconsin
  • Wyoming

Guidance on emergency declarations and waivers by the National Association of State Energy Officials is available HERE

Please direct any questions to or share new information with Sarah Reboli, NPGA Senior Director of Regulatory & Industry Affairs.

Click HERE to Print FMCSA Regional HOS Waiver 2021-001