It takes a can-do attitude and a can-do fuel to help feed seven billion people. Think of a job on the farm, and chances are, propane can do that. It’s why more farmers than ever are making the switch.
Less to Worry About. More to Look Forward to. How do the hardest working people in the world, America’s farmers, get the job done? With powerful, clean-burning propane.
Propane or Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gas has been instrumental in farming ever since propane was introduced as a cooking alternative to natural gas were it was unavailable in rural areas. In the 1920’s

bottled gas was distributed with a gas burner for cooking where only coal or wood was used. Today the numerous propane powered products available provide the Agricultural community cost savings and time management.
Generators – A consistent supply of power can be critical to an agricultural operation, and propane-powered generators can supply power independent of the grid. When the costs associated with connecting to the grid make electricity or natural gas a poor choice, propane generators are an ideal option for farms.
Irrigation Engines – Farmers using propane irrigation engines report savings up to 50 percent compared to diesel engines doing the same job. Plus, new propane-powered engines typically cost 20 to 40 percent less than new diesel engines for comparable power. For many farms, propane engines are cost-competitive to electric pumps while providing independence from the grid.

Grain Dryers – Crop drying technology has come a long way in recent years. Today’s propane crop dryers are up to 50 percent more energy efficient than older models. They also run cleaner, last longer, and are more cost-effective overall without pipeline curtailment concerns.
Flame Weed Control – Propane-powered pest control is perfect for organic farmers who can’t use traditional use pesticides rather than herbicides, or any producers who want to reduce their herbicide use. For example, flame weeding is up to 90 percent effective.
Building Heat – Even during long, cold winter months, when building heat is more energy intensive, propane will heat buildings effectively and efficiently. Propane also delivers the consistent heat needed for healthier plants and animals. Check out this video to see how reliable, consistent and comfortable propane heat is a key part of turning baby pigs into market-ready hogs that are healthy and hearty.
Storage & Distribution – Propane gives you independence from the grid, because it’s stored onsite at your farm. You can also choose above or below ground tank installation.
Water Heating – Commercial-sized propane water heaters are ideal for agricultural use. With incredible efficiency, they can provide hot water for cleaning, sanitizing equipment, and much more. No longer do dairy farmers have to store large amounts of hot water (hundreds of gallons) after the introduction of tankless commercial water heaters, which feature a much lower operating costs than the large tanks of the past.
Lower Costs. Propane equipment is built for efficiency, so it can lower your fuel costs for nearly every application, from irrigation to building heat.
Fewer Emissions. Propane can help you meet the strictest emissions goals: it’s proven to produce fewer emissions compared with diesel or gasoline models.
Easy Refueling. Your propane supplier can customize a fueling plan that is right for you, to provide you with reliable power independent of the grid.
Abundant, American. Propane is made in America, and we have plenty of it. Using this clean, American fuel is good for your operation and good for the country.
Propane Can Do That.
Thanks for checking in! In my next entry, I’ll talk about Propane’s many uses for landscaping, golf courses, office complexes and large communities.
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Harold F. Sweet
Superior Plus Propane
PA Propane Gas Association President